Produkt zum Begriff Design:
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development
Learn All the Design & Development Skills You Need to Make Great Games with Unity, the World's Most Popular Professional Game EngineIf you want to design and develop games, there is no substitute for strong, hands-on experience with modern techniques and tools. That is exactly what this book provides. Leading instructor and indie game developer Jeremy Gibson Bond covers all three disciplines that you need to succeed: game design theory, rapid iterative prototyping, and practical programming.Building on two previous best-sellers, this Third Edition contains hundreds of improvements across more than 400 new pages, all designed to make it even easier to understand and more useful in modern game development.The five game tutorials have been thoroughly revised and expanded to cover even more best practices for prototyping and development, and all examples now use Unity 2020.3 LTS (Long Term Support), a stable and feature-rich standard for years to come. The new content includes greatly enhanced tutorials, a chapter on Unity's high-performance Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS), new Coding Challenges to help you transition to making your own games from scratch, and tips on next steps after you have finished the book. The revamped website includes playable versions of all example games, plus an exciting new tool that provides immediate feedback on potential errors in your own code.Part I: Game Design and Paper PrototypingUse the Layered Tetrad to understand and design powerful interactive experiences.Explore the core game design practices of paper prototyping, testing, and iteration.Learn effective strategies for staying on track and on schedule.Get tips for finding a rewarding job in today's industry.Part II: Programming C# in UnityLearn C# from the basics through class inheritance, object-oriented programming, and data-oriented design.Part III: Game Prototype TutorialsImplement games across five genres: arcade, casual physics, space shooter, solitaire card game, and top-down adventure game. Each game is designed to be easily extensible into your own projects.Take three games from prototype to first playable through new extended tutorial chapters that refi ne the games further than in previous editions of the book.NEW! Part IV: Next StepsTackle the new, growing library of Coding Challenges, a proven method for transitioning from tutorials to creating your own projects from scratch.Get ideas and resources for new projects to tackle on your own.
Preis: 66.33 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Emergent Design: The Evolutionary Nature of Professional Software Development
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.For software to consistently deliver promised results, software development must mature into a true profession. Emergent Design points the way. As software continues to evolve and mature, software development processes become more complicated, relying on a variety of methodologies and approaches. This book illuminates the path to building the next generation of software. Author Scott L. Bain integrates the best of today’s most important development disciplines into a unified, streamlined, realistic, and fully actionable approach to developing software. Drawing on patterns, refactoring, and test-driven development, Bain offers a blueprint for moving efficiently through the entire software lifecycle, smoothly managing change, and consistently delivering systems that are robust, reliable, and cost-effective. Reflecting a deep understanding of the natural flow of system development, Emergent Design helps developers work with the flow, instead of against it. Bain introduces the principles and practices of emergent design one step at a time, showing how to promote the natural evolution of software systems over time, making systems work better and provide greater value. To illuminate his approach, Bain presents code examples wherever necessary and concludes with a complete project case study. This book provides developers, project leads, and testers powerful new ways to collaborate, achieve immediate goals, and build systems that improve in quality with each iteration. Coverage includes How to design software in a more natural, evolutionary, and professional way How to use the “open-closed” principle to mitigate risks and eliminate waste How and when to test your design throughout the development process How to translate design principles into practices that actually lead to better code How to determine how much design is enough How refactoring can help you reduce over-design and manage change more effectively The book’s companion Web site,, provides updates, links to related materials, and support for discussions of the book’s content.
Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, Global Edition
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. For courses in web development and design. Updated and expanded in this 8th Edition, Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 presents a comprehensive introduction to the development of effective web sites. Intended for beginning web development courses, the text relates both the necessary hard skills (such as HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript) and soft skills (design, e-commerce, and promotion strategies) considered fundamental to contemporary web development. An emphasis on hands-on practice guides students, as the text introduces topics ranging from configuration and layout to accessibility techniques and ethical considerations. The 8th Edition contains updated coverage of HTML5 and CSS, expanded coverage of designing for mobile devices, and more.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Design Process and Opportunity Development (Chapter 8 from Disrupt Together)
Most great opportunities fail. The #1 reason: companies can't effectively scope their best opportunities. Scoping is where failure rates are highest. Now, discover how to use design thinking to radically improve the way you scope opportunities, and integrate opportunity development into a complete innovation framework that works. Design Process and Opportunity Development is part of Philadelphia University's breakthrough approach to innovation: one that links business, design and engineering, and delivers extraordinary results in both new and existing ventures. First, Dr. Stephen Spinelli and Heather McGowan introduce this "Disrupt Together" approach, explain its deep roots in design thinking, and show how it generates far more high-value ideas for innovation. Next, Tod Corlett drills down to focus specifically on using team-based design thinking to clarify your challenges, articulate your value propositions, and reach new markets. You'll learn why design processes are so well-suited to today's fast-moving world of diverse teams, accelerated product life cycles, disruptive innovation, and social media – and how to apply them in your environment. Corlett shows how to rapidly iterate and improve your ideas… use helical thinking to move forward, not "in circles"… and use funnels to consistently select your best conceptual options. Design Process and Opportunity Development is one of 15 e-chapters addressing all facets of innovation, from design processes and team development to business models and value delivery. Each is crafted by a pioneering business innovator – and they all integrate into today's most coherent, realistic blueprint for innovation. For all entrepreneurs, executives, managers, strategists, and students who want to drive more value from innovation. Tod Corlett, Associate Professor of Industrial Design at Philadelphia University, directs its Master of Science in Industrial Design program, and oversees its innovation-research and technology initiatives. Previously an award-winning lead designer for Cloud Gehshan Associates in Philadelphia, he maintains a design practice, Public Works, focused on design for public spaces. He holds a BA from Yale University, and BFA and M.I.D. degrees from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.
Preis: 4.27 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche App ist gut für Fashion Design oder Graphic Design?
Es gibt viele gute Apps für Fashion Design oder Graphic Design, aber einige beliebte Optionen sind Adobe Illustrator, Procreate und Canva. Diese Apps bieten eine Vielzahl von Tools und Funktionen, um professionelle Designs zu erstellen und zu bearbeiten. Es hängt jedoch von den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben ab, welche App am besten geeignet ist.
Wie kann die Conversion-Rate auf einer E-Commerce-Website durch gezielte Marketingstrategien und benutzerfreundliches Design verbessert werden?
Die Conversion-Rate auf einer E-Commerce-Website kann durch gezielte Marketingstrategien verbessert werden, indem man die Zielgruppe genau anspricht und relevante Inhalte bereitstellt. Durch die Nutzung von Social-Media-Werbung, E-Mail-Marketing und gezielten Angeboten kann die Aufmerksamkeit potenzieller Kunden erhöht werden. Zudem kann die Conversion-Rate durch ein benutzerfreundliches Design verbessert werden, das eine klare Navigation, ansprechende Produktpräsentation und eine einfache Checkout-Prozess bietet. Außerdem ist es wichtig, Vertrauen durch Kundenbewertungen, sichere Zahlungsmethoden und transparente Geschäftsbedingungen aufzubauen, um die Conversion-Rate zu steigern.
Was macht ein Design zeitlos und warum ist zeitloses Design so wichtig?
Ein Design wird zeitlos, wenn es klare Linien, einfache Formen und eine neutrale Farbpalette aufweist. Zeitloses Design ist wichtig, da es langlebig ist, sich nicht schnell veraltet und somit eine nachhaltige Investition darstellt. Es spricht ein breites Publikum an und passt sich verschiedenen Stilen und Trends an.
Was macht ein Design zeitlos und warum ist zeitloses Design so wichtig?
Ein Design wird zeitlos, wenn es klare Linien, einfache Formen und hochwertige Materialien verwendet. Zeitloses Design ist wichtig, weil es langlebig ist, sich nicht schnell veraltet und somit nachhaltig ist. Es spricht ein breites Publikum an und bleibt über die Jahre hinweg relevant.
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Understand the crucial aspects of digital business and e-commerce with this best-selling text. Digital Business and E-Commerce Management, 8th edition, develops your knowledge and skills in digital technology, media and data to help you thrive in an increasingly harsh and competitive environment. Engaging and informative, this industry-leading text helps you understand the strategies and tactics that organisations use to optimise internal processes through digital channels for marketing and supply purposes. Key features include: updated content with the latest information on AI and a focus on digital business up-to-date information to support your learning around digital transformation New diagrams and business models to develop your understanding of business concepts and customer user journeys reader-frienly and accessible writing style With a further host of features to enhance your learning experience, you will come to see why this is a bestselling text.
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Design Letters - AJ Porzellan Teller E
Die aus hochwertigem Porzellan gefertigten Teller von Design Letters begeistern mit der charakteristischen Arne Jacobsen Typografie. Von A bis Z ist jeder Teller mit einem Buchstaben aus der 1937 entworfenen Typografie geschmückt.
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Was ist Human Design?
Human Design ist ein System, das Elemente aus Astrologie, I Ging, Kabbala, Chakrenlehre und Quantenphysik kombiniert. Es soll dabei helfen, das individuelle Wesen und die Lebensaufgabe einer Person zu verstehen. Anhand des Geburtsdatums, -orts und -zeit wird ein persönliches Chart erstellt, das Informationen über die individuelle Energieverteilung, Stärken und Herausforderungen liefert. Durch die Analyse des Charts können Menschen mehr Klarheit über sich selbst gewinnen und ihr volles Potenzial entfalten.
Was sind die wichtigsten Merkmale, die ein modernes Design von traditionellem Design unterscheiden?
Ein modernes Design zeichnet sich durch klare Linien, minimalistische Elemente und innovative Materialien aus. Im Gegensatz dazu ist traditionelles Design oft von Ornamenten, klassischen Formen und natürlichen Materialien geprägt. Moderne Designs sind oft funktionaler und zeitgemäßer, während traditionelle Designs oft auf historischen Stilen und kulturellen Einflüssen basieren.
Was ist die Bedeutung von einfarbigem Design in der Kunst und im Design?
Ein einfarbiges Design in der Kunst und im Design bedeutet, dass nur eine Farbe verwendet wird, um ein Kunstwerk oder ein Design zu gestalten. Dies kann eine starke Aussage machen und die Aufmerksamkeit auf Formen, Linien und Strukturen lenken. Ein einfarbiges Design kann minimalistisch wirken und eine ruhige, harmonische Ästhetik schaffen.
Wie beeinflusst das Wahrnehmungsvermögen die Entscheidungsfindung in den Bereichen Psychologie, Marketing und Design?
Das Wahrnehmungsvermögen beeinflusst die Entscheidungsfindung in der Psychologie, da unsere Wahrnehmung unsere Interpretation von Informationen und Situationen beeinflusst, was wiederum unsere Entscheidungen beeinflusst. Im Marketing kann das Wahrnehmungsvermögen genutzt werden, um die Wahrnehmung von Produkten oder Marken zu beeinflussen und so die Kaufentscheidungen der Verbraucher zu lenken. Im Design spielt das Wahrnehmungsvermögen eine wichtige Rolle, da Designer visuelle Elemente und Gestaltungstechniken verwenden, um die Wahrnehmung der Benutzer zu beeinflussen und so ihre Entscheidungen zu lenken. Insgesamt beeinflusst das Wahrnehmungsvermögen die Entscheidungsfindung in Psychologie, Marketing und
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