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Produkt zum Begriff Digital:

  • Digital Marketing
    Digital Marketing

    Discover more about effective Digital Marketing strategies and practices, and expand your knowledge of the field, learning from the success stories of some of the biggest brands.Digital Marketing, 8th edition is a market-leading text, providing you with the most comprehensive guide to the strategies, techniques, and online trends that have transformed the way companies communicate with their consumer audiences today.The text, known for its clear structure and accessible content, offers you valuable insight into the main principles and aspects of Digital Marketing. The eighth edition has been comprehensively updated to help you learn more about the success factors of a digital marketing strategy, using key techniques in the area, including search, social media and content marketing, conversion optimisation, and marketing automation. It also introduces increased data-driven marketing techniques with many new examples covering digital analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.This latest edition also links marketing theory with practical business experience to help you understand digital marketing in the real world through case studies from market-leading and cutting-edge companies such as ASOS, Spotify, and L'Oreal.Many useful features include self-assessment exercises and discussion questions to self-test your knowledge and understanding of the topics. With the 'Essential Digital Skills' boxes guiding you into developing key skills you will later need in the workplace, this leading textbook is a must-have guide for students and professionals.Pearson, the world's learning company.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Digital Business and E-commerce
    Digital Business and E-commerce

    Understand the crucial aspects of digital business and e-commerce with this best-selling text. Digital Business and E-Commerce Management, 8th edition, develops your knowledge and skills in digital technology, media and data to help you thrive in an increasingly harsh and competitive environment. Engaging and informative, this industry-leading text helps you understand the strategies and tactics that organisations use to optimise internal processes through digital channels for marketing and supply purposes. Key features include: updated content with the latest information on AI and a focus on digital business  up-to-date information to support your learning around digital transformation New diagrams and business models to develop your understanding of business concepts and customer user journeys reader-frienly and accessible writing style  With a further host of features to enhance your learning experience, you will come to see why this is a bestselling text.

    Preis: 54.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Digital Business and E-Commerce Management
    Digital Business and E-Commerce Management

    Learn everything there is to know about the latest strategies and tactics for a successful digital business in one best-selling text. Digital Business and E-Commerce Management, 7th edition by Chaffey, Hemphill, and Edmundson-Bird, is the latest edition of this best-selling book, guaranteed to offer you the knowledge and skills to handle the speed of change faced by organisations in the digital world. This edition brings together the most up-to-date knowledge in academic and practitioner thinking, discussing some of the hottest topics in the field, such as: Which strategies and tactics does an organisation need to develop and implement to make a Digital Business successful? How do we work out where to place our investment? How should businesses select the best digital technology, media, and insight sources to compete in the digital landscape? Written in an engaging and informative style, this book is ideal for students in Digital Business and e-Commerce, but also professional marketers, or even Business Managers, covering all aspects of Digital Business, including strategy, digital comms, and transformation. Key features include: A structured approach to review, plan and implement a digital business strategy for all types of organisations The latest on digital marketing techniques in SEO, social media comms, and content marketing New case studies providing examples of organisations and their experiences with digital business and e-commerce A brand new chapter introducing the concepts of digital business transformation and growth hacking With an array of features and updates to support your learning, this must-have textbook will provide the tools you need to help you understand and apply the concepts of 'Digital' in your strategy, implementation, and transformation.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Benham, Alice: The Digital Marketing Handbook
    Benham, Alice: The Digital Marketing Handbook

    The Digital Marketing Handbook , . Podcast der Autorin umfasst über 170 Folgen mit über 100.000 Downloads . Unterhaltsam, praktisch und ohne Geschwätz geschrieben . In der Theorie verwurzelt, aber mit Erfahrungen aus der Praxis Es gibt so viel Marketing-Expertise da draußen, aber woher soll man wissen, worauf man hören soll? Wie setzt man dieses Wissen um? Wo soll man anfangen? Hier werden die Grundlagen des Marketings behandelt - ehrlich, praktisch, fesselnd und umsetzbar. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 22.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was wäre der Unterschied zwischen "digital write" und "digital read"?

    "Digital write" bezieht sich auf das Schreiben eines digitalen Signals auf einen bestimmten Pin eines Mikrocontrollers. Es ermöglicht das Setzen des Pins auf HIGH oder LOW, um beispielsweise eine LED ein- oder auszuschalten. "Digital read" hingegen bezieht sich auf das Lesen des Zustands eines digitalen Signals von einem bestimmten Pin. Es ermöglicht das Lesen des Zustands eines Schalters oder Sensors, um darauf basierend bestimmte Aktionen auszuführen.

  • Was ist das Problem mit dem Teufel Concept E 450 Digital?

    Es gibt mehrere Probleme, die mit dem Teufel Concept E 450 Digital gemeldet wurden. Ein häufiges Problem ist ein Knistern oder Rauschen in den Lautsprechern, insbesondere bei höheren Lautstärken. Ein weiteres Problem ist, dass die Fernbedienung manchmal nicht richtig funktioniert oder unzuverlässig ist. Einige Benutzer haben auch berichtet, dass die Verbindung zwischen den Lautsprechern und dem Subwoofer instabil ist.

  • Was ist Digital Print?

    Digitaler Druck bezieht sich auf den Prozess des Druckens von digitalen Dateien direkt auf verschiedene Oberflächen wie Papier, Stoff oder Kunststoff. Im Gegensatz zum traditionellen Druckverfahren, bei dem Druckplatten verwendet werden, erfolgt der digitale Druck direkt von einem Computer aus. Dies ermöglicht eine schnellere Produktion, geringere Kosten und eine höhere Flexibilität bei der Anpassung von Druckaufträgen. Digitaler Druck wird häufig für kleine bis mittlere Druckaufträge verwendet und bietet eine hohe Druckqualität und Präzision.

  • Welches Antennenkabel für Kabel Digital?

    Welches Antennenkabel für Kabel Digital benötigt wird, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Zunächst sollte man darauf achten, dass das Kabel die richtige Länge hat, um eine optimale Signalübertragung zu gewährleisten. Zudem ist es wichtig, dass das Kabel eine hohe Abschirmung aufweist, um Störungen von anderen elektronischen Geräten zu vermeiden. Auch die Qualität der Stecker spielt eine entscheidende Rolle, um eine stabile Verbindung sicherzustellen. Es empfiehlt sich, ein hochwertiges Koaxialkabel mit vergoldeten Steckern zu verwenden, um die bestmögliche Bild- und Tonqualität zu erreichen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Digital:

  • Secure ASP.NET AJAX Development (Digital Short Cut)
    Secure ASP.NET AJAX Development (Digital Short Cut)

    Many organizations are diving headfirst into AJAX technologies to make their Web applications richer and more user friendly, but they often do not realize the security implications of the AJAX approach. Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX technologies, commonly known by the codename "Atlas," and other AJAX frameworks are changing the way Web applications look and are developed, but Web developers are often unaware of the security risks they are introducing into their applications with these emerging technologies. AJAX fundamentally changes the user experience and server interaction in Web applications, so developers may be taking otherwise secure applications and opening up new angles of attack for hackers. This short cut outlines the increased security risk inherent with AJAX technologies and addresses how developers can use Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX to implement secure AJAX applications. After discussing Web application security pitfalls that are common in AJAX development, given its focus on increased client processing and more frequent access to Web services and databases, the author focuses on a few key security principles for AJAX developers--demystifying AJAX security and teaching how to develop secure AJAX applications using ASP.NET AJAX Extensions. The short cut concludes with a walkthrough of security testing best practices that will help effectively uncover security problems in AJAX applications during development and testing. What This Short Cut Covers 3Section 1: AJAX, ASPNET, and Atlas 4Section 2: AJAX Security Pitfalls 19Section 3: Securing ASPNET AJAX 44Section 4: ASPNET AJAX Security Testing 81About the Author 92

    Preis: 9.62 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World
    Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World

    Distill Maximum Value from Your Digital Data! Do It Now!Why hasn’t all that data delivered a whopping competitive advantage? Because you’ve barely begun to use it, that’s why! Good news: neither have your competitors. It’s hard! But digital marketing analytics is 100% doable, it offers colossal opportunities, and all of the data is accessible to you. Chuck Hemann and Ken Burbary will help you chop the problem down to size, solve every piece of the puzzle, and integrate a virtually frictionless system for moving from data to decision, action to results! Scope it out, pick your tools, learn to listen, get the metrics right, and then distill your digital data for maximum value for everything from R&D to customer service to social media marketing!Prioritize—because you can’t measure and analyze everything Use analysis to craft experiences that profoundly reflect each customer’s needs, expectations, and behaviors Measure real digital media ROI: sales, leads, and customer satisfaction Track the performance of all paid, earned, and owned digital channels Leverage digital data way beyond PR and marketing: for strategic planning, product development, and HR Start optimizing digital content in real time Implement advanced tools, processes, and algorithms for accurately measuring influence Make the most of surveys, focus groups, and offline research synergies Focus new marketing investments where they’ll deliver the most value • Identify and understand your most important audiences across the digital ecosystem“Chuck and Ken lead marketers clearly and efficiently through the minefield of digital marketing measurement. And they do so with a lightness of touch and absence of jargon so rare in this overhyped, much-misunderstood ecosystem.” —Sam Knowles, Founder & MD of Insight Agents; author of Narrative by Numbers: How to Tell Powerful & Purposeful Stories with Data

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Principles of Direct, Database and Digital Marketing
    Principles of Direct, Database and Digital Marketing

    The growth of digital marketing is the most important yet unpredictable trend in marketing today. How can the online world be harnessed by the companies of today and tomorrow to grow their marketing impact? What role do information and databases have to play in this system? And why do some non-digital means of direct marketing still remain so powerful?   Alan Tapp’s successful text has long been a leading authority on direct marketing, and for this edition he is joined by Ian Whitten and Matthew Housden. The authors all bring great expertise across direct, database and digital marketing to provide comprehensive, compelling coverage of the key theory and debates of the fields.   The 5th edition includes comprehensive coverage of all recent developments in digital marketing, including analysis of the seemingly relentless rise of Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media. It has a range of thoroughly updated case studies covering companies and organisations from sports teams to car manufacturers and non-profits and contains a new chapter on Data Protection legislation and its impact on marketers.    The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Digital Marketing
    Digital Marketing

    Discover more about effective Digital Marketing strategies and practices, and expand your knowledge of the field, learning from the success stories of some of the biggest brands.Digital Marketing, 8th edition is a market-leading text, providing you with the most comprehensive guide to the strategies, techniques, and online trends that have transformed the way companies communicate with their consumer audiences today.The text, known for its clear structure and accessible content, offers you valuable insight into the main principles and aspects of Digital Marketing. The eighth edition has been comprehensively updated to help you learn more about the success factors of a digital marketing strategy, using key techniques in the area, including search, social media and content marketing, conversion optimisation, and marketing automation. It also introduces increased data-driven marketing techniques with many new examples covering digital analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.This latest edition also links marketing theory with practical business experience to help you understand digital marketing in the real world through case studies from market-leading and cutting-edge companies such as ASOS, Spotify, and L'Oréal.Many useful features include self-assessment exercises and discussion questions to self-test your knowledge and understanding of the topics. With the 'Essential Digital Skills' boxes guiding you into developing key skills you will later need in the workplace, this leading textbook is a must-have guide for students and professionals.Pearson, the world's learning company.

    Preis: 80.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die grundlegenden Unterschiede zwischen einem Analog-Digital-Umsetzer und einem Digital-Analog-Umsetzer?

    Ein Analog-Digital-Umsetzer wandelt analoge Signale in digitale um, während ein Digital-Analog-Umsetzer digitale Signale in analoge umwandelt. Der ADU misst kontinuierliche Signale und quantisiert sie in diskrete Werte, während der DAU die diskreten Werte wieder in kontinuierliche Signale umwandelt. Die beiden Umsetzer arbeiten also in entgegengesetzten Richtungen und haben unterschiedliche Anwendungen in der Signalverarbeitung.

  • Welche langfristigen Strategien können Unternehmen im Digital Marketing verfolgen, um langfristig erfolgreich zu sein?

    Unternehmen können langfristig erfolgreich im Digital Marketing sein, indem sie kontinuierlich ihre Zielgruppe analysieren und ihre Marketingstrategie entsprechend anpassen. Zudem sollten sie auf eine starke Online-Präsenz setzen, um ihre Marke zu stärken und Kundenbindung aufzubauen. Langfristiger Erfolg kann auch durch die Nutzung von Datenanalysen und KI-Technologien erreicht werden, um personalisierte und zielgerichtete Marketingkampagnen zu erstellen.

  • Wo finde ich Digital Wellbeing?

    "Digital Wellbeing" ist eine Funktion, die auf Android-Geräten verfügbar ist und dabei hilft, die Bildschirmzeit zu verwalten und die Nutzung von Apps zu kontrollieren. Um auf Digital Wellbeing zuzugreifen, öffne die Einstellungen auf deinem Android-Gerät. Scrolle dann nach unten und suche nach dem Menüpunkt "Digital Wellbeing". Dort findest du verschiedene Tools und Einstellungen, um deine Smartphone-Nutzung zu überwachen und gegebenenfalls einzuschränken. Du kannst beispielsweise Zeitlimits für bestimmte Apps festlegen oder den "Nicht stören"-Modus aktivieren, um Ablenkungen zu minimieren. Hast du die Funktion gefunden?

  • Was kostet Weight Watchers digital?

    Weight Watchers digital kostet je nach Abonnementplan und Laufzeit unterschiedlich. Die Preise können variieren, abhängig von aktuellen Angeboten und Aktionen. Um den genauen Preis herauszufinden, empfehle ich, die offizielle Weight Watchers Website zu besuchen oder den Kundenservice zu kontaktieren. Dort erhält man alle Informationen zu den Kosten und den verschiedenen Abonnementoptionen. Hast du bereits konkrete Vorstellungen, wie lange du Weight Watchers digital nutzen möchtest?

* Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und ggf. zuzüglich Versandkosten. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Shops und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass es im Einzelfall zu Abweichungen kommen kann.